Sunday, February 21, 2010

Grafic Design Letterings On My Car Calgary Webpage Dimentions When You Are To Design A Template In A Software Like Illustrator Orelse...?

Webpage dimentions when you are to design a template in a software like illustrator orelse...? - grafic design letterings on my car calgary

first as a graphic designer i design for a website template .. in fright! cause i dont know the dimensions of


MawDuce said...

Your worries are unfounded, are fixed dimensions, a bad idea, though for a site. Most sites use a fluid design that allows the page "fit" of each computer screen. This can be achieved with simple HTML tables. But if the boss wants a strict CSS page, and often, 735 pixels, when the side edges of the center very well when installed properly. Web developers must have a good hand in this respect. I just want to leave to their content in a kind of plop the department and the developers on the size of the terrain. For the designer right? It is a web developer.

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