Saturday, February 13, 2010

Is It Possible To Get Infections If You Get Fingered For Diabetics: Can You Get Infections Or Diseases Through Your Finger Wounds?

For diabetics: Can you get infections or diseases through your finger wounds? - is it possible to get infections if you get fingered

Ask if you can things like STDs and AIDS from entering the sting of things to do and marks on the knuckles. Are they deep enough to feed the foreign substances in the blood? They are open wounds? Thank you.


celtic.p... said...

It is technically possible.

But they are so small and close quickly, the possibilities are almost Nill, if they really bite into contact with the blood of another man on his little finger come.

This explains why you can not reuse or shares of lancing devices.

Technically, no open wounds a little more than 5 minutes.

crazyowl said...

The possibilities are extremely rare. The holes are very small and heal quickly. The blood test is only the blood vessels near the skin surface, I think they have a higher risk of infection if not washed their hands before the test could take as a result of such germs in the finger. I must admit I've never heard one, took an infection like this.

Ramabadhranandha R said...

is quite possible, and create a problem if the injury anywhere in the body.

Atypical Lover said...

I do not. YET.

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